José Rivera Jr
January 31 @ 930pm
via The Exponential YouTube Page
on a split bill with Hannah Kallenbach’s Purell Piece
LQQK honors the femme, the masc, and the in-between of being nonbinary. This full length world premiere features six different original songs each with their own performance for camera.
by José Rivera Jr
ft. Mar Galeano, Ashton Muniz, and Jose Rivera Jr.
Music and Lyrics by
Cesar Gonzalez, Alexander Ronneburg, Karl Ronneburg, and Jose Rivera Jr.
Filmed by Proteo Media
gratitude to Alchemical Studios, Triskelion Arts, and the 100+ Kickstarter backers and immaculate Kickstarter staff and residency time
Recording and performing artist José Rivera Jr. debuts the world premiere of LQQK - A Visual EP in Six Parts in it's full 18 minute glory. The project features six tracks that explore the concept of gender, toxic masculinity, and transformation.
“Each track has its own music video where I progress from James Dean into a non-binary Mondrian,” says José. The LQQK EP takes a deep dive into society’s ideas about masculinity, turning the concept on its head.
“I've always loved pop music. For a long time, I was scared to admit what I liked about female-driven pop and why. And then I finally asked myself: why can't I be a pop princess? Who made the rules for how someone has to write? Think? Act? Why can't I wear heels with my f***ing Carhart jacket while I lay a pipe? If Joan Jett could subvert and thus empower femmes and feminity, then I sure as hell can claim my sexuality and power by embracing the fullness of my non-binary identity.”