Come for the smorgasbord of micro-acts, stay for the end-of-festival party!
Co-Curated by Jillian Jetton & Matthew Antoci
Artistic Director Jillian Jetton
Founding Artistic Director Theresa Buchheister
Hosted by Shawn Escarciga
Theresa Buchheister, Peter Mills Weiss and Tim Scott (PERFORMANCE)
Steph Marc (COMEDY)
The Reckoning a.k.a Sam Morreale (DRAG)
Leonie Bell (THEATER)
Fr. Carl Adair (SWIM LESSON)
Lee Harrison Daniel and Ethan Williams (MULTIMEDIA)
Lianne Elsouki (PUPPET JUSTICE)
James Wyrwicz (MINI-THEATER)
Hannah Mitchell in collaboration with Nathan Repasz (LONG-DISTANCE DUET)
Image by Mark Toneff
Find them: @thebricktheater @jillianjetton @antociantoci @ buchheistertheresa
Hatched at Silent Barn in 2014, this quarterly affair brings together artists, performers, comedians, chefs, scientists, theologians – anyone with something to share in a DIY, low-stakes setting – in one delightfully unpredictable night. Once a year we land at Exponential for an extra juicy evening of micro-acts followed by a festival party. This year’s theme is DOUBLE GROOVE (think hidden tracks, chance operation, doubling, grooving…) Stay tuned for the lineup! Event is FREE, with a pass-the-hat for the artists and hosts.
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