Very Real and Legitimate MFA Thesis Show from an Accredited University
Shawn Escarciga
at Vital Joint
January 17 and 18 @ 8pm
Very Real and Legitimate MFA Thesis Show from an Accredited University, aside from being very real and legitimate, is a critique of academia and the Art World at-large as presented through the lens of a historically poor, silver tongued performance artist homo.
Created and Performed by Shawn Escarciga
Drawing from research, personal experience, and thirty-one years of being a smart ass, Very Real and Legitimate MFA Thesis Show from an Accredited University is a multidisciplinary performance art lecture on why rich people ruin everything and how the academic system has historically left out the poor. It’s a v casual conversation on how the inaccessibility of the Art World is shifting paradigms around validity, access and sustainability for artists working outside of elite spheres. It’s also an MFA thesis show. Presented through the lens of a historically poor, silver tongued, performance art homo, VRLMTSAU is partially a poking fun at and also a serious critique of class, labor and their role in the capital A Art World.
$10 cash at door